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Our Projects
At Weitek Industrial Controls LTD, we have extensive experience in developing innovative packaging automation solutions using mechanical, servo and robotic technology. We understand the importance of speed, flexibility and footprint in our designs, and work hard to make sure our customer’s needs are met or exceeded in all areas. This includes the extensive use of high-duty cycle components in our designs. We design and build two primary lines of equipment, which are often integrated together into customer applications:
Look at some of our Videos here....
With more than 200 robotic projects, Hundreds of filling & Packaging lines....
We consider our company as a leading Turn Key Integrator for End Line Packaging, Filling and Product Handling.
Supplying solutions to major manufacturers as: Osem, Strauss, Tara, Tnuva, Prigat, Sano, Sodastream, Mr-Fix, Tambour, Mr-Ice, HP, Shtibel, Adama-Agan, Zanlakol, Lagin....and many more...
Packaging Lines Sub- Contractors
Our Packaging Lines consist of solutions for:
Powder filling Cements, Aggregates, Flower, Fertilizers: TMI, B&C, VENTOMATIC
Pallet Wrapping: TOSA, BOCEDI
Products Wrapping, Shrinking: PRASMATIC
Metal Detectors: CEIA
Checkweighers: NEMESIS
Paints, Oils: IMMEA
Beer, Milk, Cosmetic and Beverage filling: ALFATEK, WEIGHTPACK
We believe in quality and therefore we use the best Robotic suppliers:
ABB- A leading manufacturer of robotic system & solution with over 300 units installation in the Israeli market.
ABB Robots Line...

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